
How to Satrt Moving Your Wrist Again After Taking Cast Off

Central Takeaways

  • Later a cast is removed, you might experience express mobility, stiffness, or swelling in your arm, hand, or wrist.
  • It's important that you adhere to the exercises instructed past your physical or occupational therapist to properly regain muscle strength.
  • With the option to use resistance bands or therapy putty, here are 8 exercises to ensure your arm function is fully restored!
  • Looking for exercises after lower extremity cast removal/ankle or leg cast removal? Read more hither!

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Afterwards the cast has been removed, your limb will still crave some time to consummate the healing process and return to normal function. Information technology is not unusual for joints to experience strong and swollen immediately after plaster removal. Fortunately, physical or occupational therapy can assist you regain musculus strength!

Find which exercises tin can help y'all heal during your recovery and rehabilitation!

  • What happens after my cast is removed?
  • How long volition therapy terminal?
  • 8 Exercises to Assist Regain Muscle Strength
  • Decision

What happens later on my bandage is removed?

Person with dry, itchy skin on arm

  • Your joints will feel stiff and swollen.

When the cast is removed, you may experience pain, swelling and stiffness of the joint. Common cold packs can exist used to help improve apportionment and reduce inflammation. Utilise the cold pack for 5-10 minutes over the afflicted surface area. You can also utilize non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, to manage hurting and inflammation. NSAIDs may crusade mild side furnishings and should be taken as directed.

Cold Gel Packs

Blue, Rectangular Cold Gel Pack

  • Your peel will be dry out and flaky.

Afterwards your cast comes off, soak your arm in soap and water to remove dry peel. Place your arm in warm water for most v-x minutes. The dry out peel should so hands rub off with a towel. This can then be followed past using a moisturizing lotion to assistance soften the pare. Or use paraffin wax to speed healing and help terminate itching.


White Therabath Professional Paraffin Bath Unit

Palmer'due south Cocoa Butter Formula Lotion

13.5 fl. oz. Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Lotion with pump dispenser

  • Yous might crave a sling.

For upper extremity casts and splints, a sling provides elevation to reduce swelling and support for additional comfort. Remove the sling 3 to four times each day to perform shoulder and elbow range-of-motility exercises to help foreclose excessive stiffness and loss of function, as directed past your occupational or physical therapist. It tin can besides exist removed at nighttime and at rest if you feel comfortable.

Black Arm Sling shown in use with strap around person's shoulder

  • Y'all will notice muscle atrophy.

While your arm was in a bandage, the lack of mobility can result in muscle atrophy. Physical or occupational therapy is essential to the recovery process. Information technology is designed to assistance restore the function of your upper extremities along with strengthening and retraining the surrounding muscle groups.

Some of the goals of therapy include:

  • Acquire a range of motion exercises for the fingers, wrist, and forearm
  • Decrease swelling and/or scarring with gentle manipulation
  • Strengthen the hand and wrist to restore pinch and grip motion

How long volition therapy last?

Your torso's natural healing process works to bring together the 2 broken os portions dorsum together using cartilage and gristly cells. The wrist and arm should exist functional for nigh activity by 8 to 10 weeks afterwards surgery. Later virtually iii to 6 months, most patients can resume heavier wrist or arm activity and sports.

It is important that you first to exercise your arm as before long as your bandage is removed. Cleaved basic tin can leave y'all with damaged muscles if you avoid force training with a concrete therapist. By exercising and regaining normal movements, the feeling of stiffness and hurting will gradually subside. Your therapist might require y'all to exercise exercises 3-v times a 24-hour interval.

eight Exercises to Help Regain Muscle Force

As you become started with therapy, incorporate these eight exercises in your strengthening regimen!

Sammons Preston Therapy Putty

Container of red Sammons Preston Therapy Putty

TheraBand Tube with Soft Handles

Blue TheraBand resistance tubing with soft grip handles

TheraBand Resistance Band Beginner Kit

Green, red and yellow TheraBand resistance bands

Some of the exercises might require the use of therapy putty and resistance bands/tubing. These products can help make exercise more than challenging. The color progression system allows you to visually recognize comeback and track your progress every bit your strength increases. As the exercise you are performing becomes easier, move to the side by side color.

Wrist Supination/Pronation

  • Sit down in a chair and balance your forearm on a table.
  • Plough your palm up and downwards without moving your elbow.
  • Hold each position for 5 seconds. Return to starting position.

Forearm Flexor Stretch

You can either stand tall or sit in a chair for this practise.

  • Straighten your arm out in front of you.
  • Pull your fingers dorsum using your other hand. The pucker of your elbow should be facing towards the ceiling and fingers pointing down.
  • Concur for 10 seconds. Return to starting position.

Hammer Curls

You lot can either stand tall or sit in a chair for this exercise.

  • Keeping your arms tight against your sides, bend your elbows with your thumbs pointing up and your palms facing each other.
  • Bring your hands up towards the shoulders and return to starting position.

Putty Flexion Squeeze

  • Form the putty into a ball and place it in the palm of your hand facing upright.
  • Dig the fingers into the putty until they press through the palm of the hand and course a fully clenched fist.
  • Release the fingers, ringlet the putty over to reshape and echo 10 times before switching hands.


  • Stand up with your feet under your shoulders.
  • Raise your artillery upwardly and to the sides at a 45-degree angle.
  • Intermission before slowly lowering your artillery to the starting position.

You tin can also use a resistance band during this movement. Catch a resistance ring, loop it under your feet, and concord it in each paw, with your artillery at your sides.

Wall Push-Ups

  • Bend your elbow and begin to lean your body toward the wall.
  • Make sure to keep your back straight. Effort to proceed your body weight evenly distributed instead of leaning to the side y'all are pushing from.
  • Hold for 10 seconds and push back to the starting position.

Internal Rotation

  • Holding on to a resistance band or tubing, rotate your upper arm toward your body without moving your elbow frontward or backward.
  • Concord for 10 seconds before returning to starting position.

External Rotation

  • Holding on to a resistance band or tubing, rotate your upper arm away from your torso without moving your elbow forward or backward.
  • Hold for ten seconds earlier returning to starting position.

Later arm practice, apply ice with compression for fifteen – twenty minutes to assistance prevent inflammation and soreness. High touch on, contact sports should exist avoided for a minimum of iv to 6 weeks later on removal of the cast.


After the bandage is removed, remember:

  • Stiffness and weakness in the limb are common bug. This should amend as you safely render to normal activities.
  • The os is still healing and so you should take it easy and be gentle with your upper extremities.
  • Sometimes physical or occupational therapy is needed to aid you recover. It involves exercises to improve muscle strength and joint mobility.

Continue in heed that every fracture or broken os is unlike. Be sure to follow the directions from your therapist carefully in guild to recover safely. And if y'all have any hurting for an extended catamenia of fourth dimension after the bandage has been removed, talk to your doctor.


1. Anonymous. (2021). Trauma: After a Cast (Arm). Montreal Children's Hospital. Retrieved from

2. Dowshen, Steven. (2015). What to Wait When Your Cast Comes Off. Rady's Children Hospital. Retrieved from

3. Illiades, Chris. (2019). Facts About Broken Wrist Recovery. Health Grades. Retrieved from

4. Grande, Anthony. (2017). Regaining Strength: How a Broken Arm Affects Movement and Muscles. Focus Physiotherapy. Retrieved from

Medical Disclaimer: The information provided on this site, including text, graphics, images and other material, are for informational purposes simply and are non intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other healthcare professional person with whatsoever questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.


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